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About Us

Specializing in linking international and local partners to high-quality carbon emission reduction projects

We help individuals and companies fighting climate change by supporting projects that reduce, avoid, or destroy greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. We specialize in linking international and local partners to high-quality carbon emission reduction projects in developing and domestic markets through both traditional sales channels and innovative initiatives, programs and partnerships. We believe it should be possible for anyone, anywhere in the world to reduce carbon emissions, gain climate education, achieve emissions reductions targets and goals, and implement innovative solutions that guarantee effective climate action. With over 18 years of experience and industry expertise, we can help you achieve your carbon reduction goals, and thrive in a low-carbon future. 

Please visit our Solutions page to learn more. 

Our Mission, Vision and Values

To increase global understanding and adoption of carbon emissions reductions strategies that help corporations, universities, non-profits, individuals and governmental bodies reduce their carbon footprints towards zero, in a way that is logistically feasible and financially affordable.

A world where the costs of negative environmental impacts are reflected in everyday commerce, and balanced by having the finances accumulated from bearing these costs seamlessly driven into the creation of positive environmental, social, and business impacts.

We are also firm believers that no vision or mission can be realized or accomplished without a strong backbone. There are undoubtedly strongly aligned values within the carbon offset and climate action communities collectively with which we proudly identify generically. However, in particular we value inclusivity of all stakeholders, not just high-power corporate decision makers—we seek to engage their customers, employees, supply chain partners and investors in understanding the role they play in taking climate action. We support the democratization of technology to assist climate action—the delivery of key missing solutions to the masses. We are wholly committed to scientific and operational integrity as our clients and partners depend upon accurate and ethically conducted calculations, transactions and communications. We strive to deliver innovative and ingenious carbon offset solutions for clients, fully customized to achieve 100% emissions reductions targets, while placing no additional burden on existing personnel, processes and cost structures. Finally, with over four decades of building climate awareness, we value a departure from just talking the walk, and maintain a commitment to scalable and repeatable results that move the dial on emissions reductions, not in 5 years, or next year, but today.

Helping you

Carbon Neutral Checkout® helps you mitigate 100% of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with your products and services on every sale you make.

Our Story

Carbon Credit Capital was founded in 2006 by Olivia Fussell. 

After having spent over 20 years in real estate and construction in New York City, Olivia realized she needed to approach the real estate business in a more sustainable way. Turning thought into action, she attended Columbia University’s Masters in Environmental Policy Finance and Economics, and upon graduation worked as an advisor on carbon sequestration projects in Africa—somewhat of a “homecoming,” as Olivia grew up in Central East Africa.

During rounds of consultation, Olivia found that droughts were severe in many parts of Africa, mainly on the eastern and southern parts of the continent. During Olivia’s stay in Africa, she helped develop carbon sequestration projects, such as planting trees, and other programs that reduced carbon emissions. Olivia affirmed that there would be a possible market for carbon sequestration in Africa that would help eventually grow the economy. In 2006, upon her return from Africa, Olivia founded Carbon Credit Capital with a focus on supporting low carbon project development.

By 2012 Carbon Credit Capital had worked with some of the largest financial institutions in the world to develop a range of forestry and renewable energy projects around the world. This same year we authored the world’s first-ever approved carbon offset methodology for generating carbon credits from e-waste recycling. Our work in e-waste recycling is becoming increasingly relevant as stockpiles of outdated electronic waste build globally.

In 2014 and 2015 we joined the Green America Green Business Network and became one of the first 1,100 Certified B-Corporations in the world.

With this certification, we joined a global community of businesses dedicated to the people we serve and employ, the planet on which we operate, and the profits we see as a company—the triple bottom line. We see this community as a key catalyst in manifesting the 21st Century’s low-carbon economy outlined around the world as the only way forward that will ensure human prosperity for millennia to come.

In 2015 we also introduced what is now our feature solution, Carbon Neutral Checkout® for businesses and individuals to reduce emissions together through everyday purchases. Our program allows companies to sell entirely carbon-neutral product lines at no cost by passing the cost to offset the emissions from individual sales on to the customers making those purchases.

Today we are advancing the field even further with unique collaborations and creations to bring our carbon pricing and mitigation models and services to more businesses, homes, institutions and regions than ever before. We offer services for carbon neutral products; including greenhouse gas inventories, life cycle assessments, carbon footprint calculations. 

We continue to offer extensive experience in carbon offset project development advisory. As demand for high quality and strongly vetted carbon credit projects continues to rise, companies, landowners, and investors are increasingly aware of the value in generating carbon credits. We and are eager to help guide companies, asset owners and investors them through the process of creating value to their carbon emissions.

Our Team

Olivia Fussell

Olivia is an energy and environmental leader with an 18-year history of dedication and insight on global environmental policy and finance, as well as expertise in carbon finance, carbon offsets, and corporate sustainability. Olivia also has an established entrepreneurial track record as Founder of Fussell Development Corp Founder, President of Climate.IQ®—a research, analysis, and technology development firm focused on climate risks, Co-founder of the Council of Alumni for Social Enterprise, and Manager of Pro-Natura, U.S.—a Non-Government-Organization (NGO) tackling social, economic and environmental problems that face rural communities in the Developing World with headquarters in Paris.

Pianpian Wang

Pianpian Wang is a Chinese Lawyer with multi-national education and experience focused on environmental law and international climate change policy since 2010. By working in the international organizations, private and academic sectors, she has a wealth of knowledge in the areas of carbon markets, corporate environmental disclosure, and sustainability issues. She is also a Member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law.

At CCC,  Pianpian is heading the Carbon Neutral Checkout® program, managing the research and carbon accounting associated with corporate GHG emissions. Pianpian also leads contributions to Company research on GHG regulations and policies in the US and at international level. Pianpian plays a key role in developing the Company’s relationships with players in carbon markets around the world.

Our Business Certifications

We are proud to be a member of multiple business networks. They not only motivate us to adopt the best practices but also gives us a platform to give back to the community and our planet. 

Becoming a Certified B Corporation (B Corp for short) in 2015 marks one of our proudest accomplishments, as the path to certification requires several rounds of audits, which scrutinize our business model, the volume of positive impact environmentally, the way we treat ourselves, the way we treat our clients and customers, how ethically we conduct business throughout our supply chain and more. The ethos of every B Corp is that the traditional financial bottom line for business is outdated. In order for companies, industries, and economies to thrive sustainably into the 21st Century, we must now adopt a triple bottom line—one that considers not only profit, but also people, and the planet as well. We are also working to make New York City one of the strongest hubs for proving that B Corps are better businesses in all regards. In early 2018, Carbon Credit Capital began sitting as a founding board member of the NYC Local B-Corp community. We don’t just perform better financially, we improve the lives of everyone associated with our value chain, as well as the vitality of the entire planet.

Green America is a long-standing Washington D.C.-based, sustainability activist organization. Green America runs campaigns to get large corporations to disclose controversial information, do away with bad practices, and make commitments towards improving their processes, procurement strategies, products, and human outcomes. Since our certification in 2015, we have maintained close contact with Green America leadership and campaigns, and love working with fellow, like-minded businesses within the network to showcase how the subjects of Green America’s activist campaigns can follow the new leaders.

We donate 1% of our revenue to environmental non-profits around the world as a business member of One Percent for the Planet. We feel that even though we already give back to the environment through the work we do every day, it is important to continue to drive financing into projects and organizations that are making positive impacts beyond what we are able to do from New York.

